Monday, December 28, 2015

Comment Wall

Image source: Indra and Kunti

Here is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Blink 182- Feeling This

Please feel free to give feedback!


  1. Hey Will!
    Wow! I really loved this introduction!! I have read a couple of stories that had Indra in them for research on my storybook – but like your intro says, he is mostly a footnote. He is mentioned in the Krishna chapter of “Dasha Avatar” – a comic book – but he actually helps the bad guy get super strength. I loved his laid back attitude, as well as his sass! You can really picture a mighty god sitting on a throne - maybe enjoying a bit too much of that soma - just complaining about the good ole’ days. I am really interested to find out more about Indra – I had never heard about the Vritra story! I think your image choice was great – and the overall look/feel of the page was nice. One thing I noticed was that the comment box was on the bottom of the page, so you might look into taking that off.

  2. Hello Will!

    I really enjoyed your introduction! You did a great job at really pulling in your readers for your story. It makes it an easy read and I really appreciate it! I could really picture Indra in front of me telling the story! I completely understand Indra's frustration in this introduction. I really liked your use of the all caps in "ENTIRE HUMAN RACE" it really got Indra's feelings across. I really like the background of your site! Yellow is a really great color and it is nice to see a bright post compared to all of the dark sites I have seen (mine included). Your image looks great! I like how it is black and white in contrast to your colorful site. I like how you are having the reader decide if he really deserved the fate he ended up with. I am really excited to see what stories you have for us next! I wonder if I will believe Indra deserved the fate he got or if he deserved something different?

  3. Hello, Will!
    I really liked the introduction for your storybook! You did a really good job of interjecting some subtle humor into your narrative, and I loved that you used the idea of “falling into obscurity” for the basis of your tale—it makes a lot of sense that he would need to recount his history to let the listener to decide whether his fate is deserved. I laughed out loud at the line “but sure, let’s just forget about the savior of the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE.” HIs witty and completely exasperated tone reminds me a lot of the Disney version of Hades!
    This is super nitpicky, but in the sentence “evil Vritra would tell you first hand about its power, if he was still alive that is,” I think a dash or ellipses would make better punctuation than a comma; I think either would better give the sort of implied pause that goes between the clauses. Like I said, super nitpicky, but something to think about. Overall, I really enjoyed your first tale! I can’t wait to come back and read more.

  4. Hi Will,
    I really enjoyed the intro to your storybook! You did a great job at showing Indra's frustration. I also felt that as Indra was expressing her frustrations, she only got more and more upset as she was letting her emotions go. I also liked that it was good that you started out with Indra's general frustration and slowly moved to a more pointed frustration at the human race for not being more grateful for what Indra had done for them and seem to almost completely forgotten about Indra. I'm excited to see what stories will be added to show why Indra should be remembered as the greatest god. I'm also curious to see if you will start out with the most important things that Indra did for mankind or if you will save the best for last. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Will, you and Lore are bring back so many memories with your music posts! This had to be one of the songs that I played out. I remember also playing the life out of "I Miss You". I can remember me and my friends talking about the music video and arguing about whether or not the girl in the video was in fact Hilary Duff.

  6. William,

    I haven't heard this song in so long. It certainly through me for a loop seeing it pop up here again. I really enjoyed listening to it again. I'm also a big fan of Blink 182, i'm going to have to catch up on the work they have done more recently. Thanks so much for sharing, good luck with the rest of the semester.


  7. Hey Will,
    Just wanted to stop by and listen to the song you added to your comment wall! I have only heard 1 or 2 songs by Blink 182 so I was not familiar with this song. I enjoyed watching the music video. This song was really hyped and fun to listen to. I loved the lyrics. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi Will,
    I love Blink 182. I just got back from a trip to Colorado and we played Blink for a good hour or two when driving. This is definitely nostalgic. Thank you for sharing your music on your blog. I hope you have a really good rest of the semester!

    1. Also, do you like Angels & Airwaves? I am just a huge Tom DeLonge fan. Kind of sad that they're replacing him. :(

  9. I just finished reading some of your storybook and I must say I really liked that you chose to talk about the stories of Indra. I knew nothing about this Indian god until reading your storybook and now I feel like I know so much about her. You made some great choices for the photos on your cover page, intro and first, story; they are fit really well for the content and put my mind in that pictures setting. I like that the introduction was in a casual style of Indra rambling on to someone she just came across. You did a great job previewing what was to come in the stories and also telling why we should want to listen/read on. The first story was really entertaining. I appreciated all the details you gave us readers about Indra prepping for battle, the battle itself, and then in the end her return home. I liked that you ended with a funnier line "Ill deal with you two late" and I could see this happening in real life or in a movie.

  10. Hey William,

    Really good job on your story! I like how in the introduction you talked about Indra defeating Vritra and then you had that as your first story. I really liked that.

    I did notice on really big thing. While I was reading your introduction, the whole time I was thinking that Indra should be a little more proper than you made him out to be. He seemed almost a little crazy. I sort of understand the reason he would be crazy but I feel he would have been more revengeful than crazy.

    I did like that you had him more proper in the story you had but it was just a complete 180 from Indra’s voice in the introduction it almost seemed like a different character. Again I can kind of see that there is a big time gap between the intro and the story but it still seemed like too much of a change.

    Other than that I really enjoyed your story and it was a little bit of fresh air since it wasn’t the same characters. Job well done!

  11. Hi William. I chose your story as my free choice from the Myth-Folklore class. I chose your story because I read up a bit about Indra for my storybook about weather gods. I think you did a wonderful job with it. I can totally see how he would be frustrated by Vishnu and Shiva and their overtaking him as the supreme leaders and their taking all the credit for everything he has done. I would be angry about that too. I like the amount of detail you put into the battle with Vritra. I can really place myself there listening to him telling his tale. In the intro I could since his anger and frustration and in the first story, it felt more like he was boasting of his accomplishment. I enjoyed this change in mood and feel it fit well with the story. I will have to return to read more of your stories. I don't know much more about Indra than the battle with Vritra and I'm curious what else you have dug up. Great Job!

  12. Will, I just finished your first story, and it was awesome! I love the idea of Indra becoming an addict. I also enjoyed the first person perspective you took. I think it really helps to characterize Indra. Although, I would have liked to have seen more anecdotes from him while telling the story, similar to his attitude in the intro. It might be a good opportunity to do some foreshadowing to the downfall I'm assuming is imminent.
    I think your story is quite well told. You provided a strong level of detail without going overboard on anything. The fight, in particular was well-done, I could see each blow in my mind and then Indra struggling to the divine weapon to finally defeat the beast. It was quite climactic. As well, I like that you take some time at the end for a bit of resolution, but you still leave us wanting to go on with the last sentence. I think it’s a very good end to an episodic story. Well done!

  13. Hi Will,

    I just finished reading your introduction and first story. They were great. Indra reminds me of an old man sitting back while talking to the younger generations about his life and the person should be thankful for. I love Indra’s attitude and the characteristics that he embodies. He is an open and honest character. Easily he speaks about his need for liquid courage, and his relationship with others. I like how you described his relationship with Shiva and Vishnu. It did not come off as jealousy, but as a reminder to be careful of those who you let in your corner.

    Your story made me realize the Indra is not referred too much as much as Shiva and Vishnu are in stories. He literally is a footnote. I am wondering what Indra will do next since he told the two that he will deal with them later. Is this where the over throw begins?


  14. What a great introduction to Indra! It really shows the vanity that the kings within Indian Epics have, and boy is this guy vain. It also gives a wonderful introduction to a character I didn’t know much about. It peaked my curiosity and that is great for an introduction. I really enjoyed the fact that you didn’t shy away from details. I think that really set a picture in my mind and helped me to understand all aspects of the story. Being so unfamiliar with the character you chose to write about I found that it really helped me and I’d like to think that you really played into the fact a lot of people would know about the fallen God. I can’t wait to read the second half of the story and finally find out what happened to Indra to cause him to lose his position. Absolutely wonderful job!

  15. Hey, Will!
    I love the first-person narrative you're using for your Storybook. In the introduction, I thought it really helped characterize Indra and helped me understand more of his motivation and personality. The little interjections about how stupid the new gods are were really funny and such a great personal touch to your writing.
    In the story, I thought you did a great job of sneaking in descriptions to help those of us who may not remember the details of the story, or for new readers who may not know the context (like when you explained the effects of soma). The action descriptions of the battle between Indra and Vritra were so vivid!
    Overall, great work; can't wait to read more!

  16. Hello Will,
    I really enjoyed reading your storybook of “The Rise of Vritrahan.” It was great how you were very descriptive in your introduction. I liked it how you used the images throughout for the better understanding. Those helped in imagining that character and the story as well. I think that was a great idea to add some more characters to make the story interesting and bit different from the original stories. You did a good job in changing the story around a little bit. In addition to that, I also liked it how you focused on Indra’s characters rather than Vishnu and Shiva. We did learn a lot about Vishnu and Shiva because those were important characters to know about. It was nice how you were descriptive in telling the story. You did a really good job in the story. Thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to read some of your blogs.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Will,

    I really like how your storybook is coming along! I am glad that we are finally able to discover why Indra has become absent to humans and other devas thoughts. I cannot imagine how Indra must have felt after finding out that he slept longer than he intended to, in addition to finding out that Shiva and Vishnu have replaced him. I cannot wait to see the results of this in your next story. I am really intrigued. Will Indra drink more to suppress his feelings? Or is he going to gain his strength and kick butt?

  19. Hi Will!

    I am rather surprised I have not visited your storybook so far this semester. When I opened it, it looked really wonderful and I think the stories in general were really good reads! I find Indra really interesting and I like that he is your main character. I do not think that he gets enough credit for his roles in both Ramayana and Mahabharata. Or I feel like many people focus on his. I think one of the things you do in your storybook that makes it nice to read is how you break up the paragraphs. It makes it less intimidating to read. I also like how you place images throughout the story to give a nice break to the eyes and help create imagery for the story. I really hope we learn what happens to Indra after Shiva and Vishnu took his kingdom from him! This was a great storybook and I look forward to see where it heads next!

  20. Hi again Will,

    I haven’t listened to this song in so long. I am sure other people feel the same way. I decided to comment on the song because it brought back memories of when I listened to Blink 182 almost every day. They used to be one of my favorite bands just like the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Great song.

  21. Hey will,
    This is just a response to a question you left on my introduction post a while back! I was interning with a start up integrative medicine company called MedicLink but sadly a little while ago the company went under and was sold off. Right now, after graduation I would like to go work in a PR firm in Dallas so I get to work with a variety of clients before doing in house work for one specific company. But I'll play it by ear. It all depends on who will hire me haha!
