Thursday, January 14, 2016

Schweinfurt, My Favorite Place

In 2010 I joined the U.S. Army and was sent to Schweinfurt, Germany for my first duty station. I lived in Schweinfurt for two years, separated by a year-long deployment to Afghanistan. I love the German culture and it always seemed like there was a festival or gathering going on. The Christmas market, as seen below, is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

                        (Schweinfurt Christmas market with the Town Hall in the background,
                                                              Photo by Barock Schloss)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Will, I look forward to hearing more: you have seen the world! I imagine there was a huge contrast between the fairy-tale postcard world of a German town like Schweinfurt (such a pretty picture!) and being in Afghanistan. Historically, there are some strong connections between India and Afghanistan (the epics we will be reading coming from a time that is thousands of years before the partition of modern India and modern Pakistan)... maybe you will want to do a project that is somehow inspired by your own time spent in Asia!
