Thursday, March 31, 2016

Week 11 Reading Diary, Continued: Pattanaik's Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art

This is the last portion of viewing from Pattanaik's Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art. The stories from this portion were Vishnu's Secret Part 2, Brahma's Secret Part 1, and Brahma's Secret Part 2. Below are some of my favorite moments from these stories.

From Vishnu's Secret Part 2, I liked the focus on the Siddhas or Naths, who were magical sages that roamed the countryside performing miraculous feats. I also liked the explanation of the Nav Naths, or nine greatest Siddhas.

In Brahma's Secret Part 1, I liked the part where it explained how Brahma created the world, his daughter, to better understand who he was. Brahma grew four heads so he could better watch her and follow her where ever she roamed. She would constantly change her shape and Brahma would always change his shape to the male counterpart of her. He was obsessed, but he never realized she was the great delusion of life, Maya.

In Brahma's Secret Part 2, I liked the story about Vishnu rescuing the elephant, who happened to be man, from the jaws of a crocodile. This man was enchanted by the material world and had deluded himself into thinking the purpose of life was to attain wealth, fame, and power. The crocodile represents the pain and struggle which we encounter in life when we only seek wealth, fame and power. The lesson was that man could not go through life on his own, instead he needed the help of god, which manifested itself as Vishnu in this story.

File:Gajendra Moksha print.jpg
Wikimedia: Vishnu Saving the Elephant from the Crocodile

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