Friday, January 22, 2016

Growth Mindset

I have personally never heard of Carol Dweck, but I do think I have encountered the philosophy of the Growth Mindset sometime in the past. After watching some of the videos with Carol Dweck explaining the Growth Mindset and the results that have been achieved upon employing this strategy, I have to say that my interest is piqued. These videos revealed to me that I have a tendency to fall into the fixed mindset, which makes me feel discouraged and guarded against new challenges and learning. In the past I have generally picked up new concepts very quickly and never had to apply myself very strenuously to many tasks. I think that never having to really push myself allowed me to become complacent and not seek out new challenges and also to never really grasp what it means to retain information effectively. I have come to realize, quite to my dismay, that this habit of a fixed mindset is greatly detrimental to my success in my chosen field of chemical engineering because the course work is very demanding and requires a relatively thorough knowledge of almost every previous course that has been covered. The course that I am most worried about this semester is kinetics because it is the one area of understanding that separates the chemical engineer from all other engineers and I would like to do well in it. I suppose that I should be excited for the challenge, according to the growth mindset, but I still have the expectation that I should make a good grade, which is obviously a characteristic of a fixed mindset. I absolutely plan on using the growth mindset to not only further my capacity for knowledge retention, but to also strengthen my personal relationships. I have no doubt that this subject will be a valuable asset to assist me in becoming a better person in all areas of my life. I cant wait to see what new discoveries await me and how I will change.

A Meme From the Growth Mindset Memes Blog
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