Friday, January 22, 2016

Learning Challenges

Like so many students, I constantly struggle with time management. We all want to do well in class and make good grades, but there are so many other things that we could do. The task of managing time effectively becomes most difficult for me when attempting to take on a particularly dry subject. I have to admit that I watch entirely too much t.v. (especially sports, and t.v. series), and this puts a real kink in my overall study habits. The H.E.A.R.T. website looks great and has a wealth of topics that can be explored to help improve habits, and generally help a person achieve success in life. The time management tab on this site introduced me to the Promodoro technique, which may be beneficial to me, since I struggle so greatly with managing my time effectively. This technique, which relies on working on something for a gradually increasing time interval and then rewarding yourself with a short break and something that you enjoy doing, may be able to get me out of the habit of procrastination and get me on track for being an effective time manager. I also really enjoyed the short video that touched on the psychology on why we procrastinate. Knowing the reasons why I procrastinate will help me better understand how to implement a strategy in overcoming this habit.

"Reality Check" by David Whamond
(A good depiction of me when I get into a show.)

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely relate to you with the t.v. shows. I am trying to ease my away out of the vortex of never ending shows this semester. Not to mention with this year's Super Bowl coming up there is an added challenge for this week. Maybe I should try the method that you mentioned with my study habits as well.
