Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 1 Review

Well, week 1 is officially over and we are back in the swing of things for another semester. I have been very surprised by how much I am enjoying this class so far. There is a mountain of interesting stories and information that is available to us, which makes it a challenge to be bored. My favorite thing from week 1 has to be my introduction into the philosophy of the growth mindset, by Carol Dweck. I know this will be very valuable to me in shaping myself into a more productive and overall better person. Plus, the cat memes are great, as seen below. It was great to read other classmates introductions and get to know them better, even without actually meeting them (something that is not typical in traditional on-campus courses). Also, I couldn't believe how much creativity people showed in the storytelling assignment. I only read four stories, but they were all so well written and interesting. I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester and I hope to get to meet and read more from my fellow classmates.

"Learn to look at things from different angles."


  1. This is a course that demands a great deal of writing. But I do agree that it has been an enjoyable experience learning about Indian epics. I have always decided on courses based on how interesting they seem at the time rather than how easy the course might be during the semester. This class does not disappoint. Hopefully everyone will get through the assignments.

  2. Will,

    So it would be interesting to know what you think now that you are almost done with the class. Have you continued to use the ideals from the growth mindset? Did you ever get bored with the class? Did it ultimately live up to your expectations? Did you continue looking at the cat memes? For me this class certainly was challenging. This class took about 9 hours each week for me to complete the tasks. That’s why once I have hit the needed points I’ll be backing out. I have to focus on the other classes that are going into finals time so YAY. LOL
