Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week 2 Storytelling: Murder At The Office

It was late spring at the law firm of Ravana, Jatayu and Rama. These three had been working separately for the past twenty years, but had recently combined their talents into a shared law firm and had built quite the reputation in their competitive city. The firm started out with just Rama and Ravana, with the newest partner being Jatayu. Rama, a very skilled lawyer, is renowned for his likability among juries and has astonishingly never lost a case. Rama’s reputation started to make Ravana, the oldest of the three outstanding lawyers, stew with jealousy. Ravana had graduated Summa Cum Laude from Harvard and built the frame work for what the law firm had now become. Ravana was getting tired of his prospective clients always asking for Rama to represent them and simply ignoring his abilities as a lawyer. Needless to say, Ravana has an unhealthy grudge on Rama. Jatayu is the newest partner to the law firm and is a quiet and deliberate man. He has a hooked nose, almost like a beak, and very dark eyes that make him seem intimidating to some, but he is actually a very kind and thoughtful man. Jatayu and Rama quickly developed a friendship even though they had only briefly known each other.

Late in the day, Ravana came to Jatayu and Rama explaining that he had given his younger sister, Shurpanakha, a job as his secretary and that she should be welcomed with open arms. The two agreed and went on with their days. After many weeks Sharpanakha turned out to be very rude with all of the other employees at the firm, but would magically put on a sweet appearance whenever her brother was around. Many complaints about Sharpanakha were brought up to Ravana, but he always ignored them because he never saw his sister act any way but nice. One day, Rama and Jatayu observed Sharpanakha belittling an intern and decided to intervene. When confronted by the two lawyers, Sharpanakha began to run away, but tripped. As she was falling, the hateful girl knocked over a freshly brewed pot of coffee that spilled onto her head. Sharpanakha screamed in agony as the hot coffee scalded her face. Ravana heard the screams from his sister and rushed from his office to see what was going on. Once on the scene, Sharpanakha told her brother that Rama had pushed her down, causing her to be burned and disfigured by the burning hot coffee. Rama and Jatayu were in disbelief of these wild accusations and quickly tried to disprove these statements by Sharpanakha, but Ravana was unmoved by what Rama and Jatayu, or anyone else in the office for that matter, had to say in retort. He was sure that the disfigurement of his sister happened exactly how she had explained it. Ravana, engulfed by the flames of rage, lunged at Rama to avenge his sister, but Jatayu stepped in and tried to mediate the situation. Ravana’s rage then switched to Jatayu for having the gall to keep him from vengeance. A fight broke out between Ravana and Jatayu with Rama standing by in shock. Ravana grabbed Jatayu’s throat and started landing blow after blow to Jatayu’s body and head. Jatayu fought back with a flurry of fists of his own but was no match for Ravana’s superior size and strength. Eventually Ravana landed a thunderous blow to the temple of Jatayu that caused him to fall into a heap on the ground. Rama rushed to Jatayu’s aid, but as he checked for a pulse, he could not find one. Ravana had killed Jatayu in cold blood right before him. Ravana then quickly raced out of the office, barely escaping the grasp of Rama. Rama could not believe what had just happened, nor could he believe that he Jatayu had defended his honor like he did. Rama, stricken with grief, vowed to track down Ravana to make him pay for his evil deed. He then took off out of the office as quickly as he could in search for the evil that had taken his friends life.

Rama Scolds Sharpanakha 

Authors Note:
My story makes use of a collection of stories from three sources from the PDE of the Ramayana that are listed in the Bibliography below.
In the original story, Sharpanakha goes to Ravana after Rama's brother cuts off her nose and ears because she was trying to trick Rama. Ravana then abducts Rama's wife, Sita, but Jatayu, the bird/vulture king, intervenes and a battle ensues. Jatayu is killed in the battle and Rama is in hot pursuit to take back is wife and avenge Jatayu. I kept the names the same and the plot mostly the same as the three sources, but I chose to make the story take place in a more realistic setting (a law firm). My main goal was to make the story as realistic a situation as possible, but that proved to be quite difficult for me with keeping the plot intact. 

1) Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913)
2) The Iliad of the East: The Ramayana, by Frederika Richardson Macdonald (1886)
3) Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists by Sister Nivedita (1914)


  1. Hello again Will,
    I thought your modern twist on this classic was very well done and that the law firm setting was a nice touch. I almost wanted for Supanakha to flirt with Rama like the original for it would have been funny to see your take on that. I thought it was very clever how Supanakha’s face gets disfigured in your version too. Over all, I really enjoyed reading your story.

  2. Great job! This title really draws the reader in. I like that you twisted the story in a lot of ways, but kept some aspects of the story constant. For example how Rama and Ravana were companions until Ravana got jealous of Rama, but Rama still ends up chasing after Ravana at the end of the story to make him pay for something that he had done. The storytelling style you used for this made it very unique and interesting. I wonder why Sharpanakha had a problem with Rama. Being rude is one thing, but trying to get someone in a fight by blaming something you did on them is cruel. Did she feel bad about it after the situation she started cause one coworkers death and her brother to go on the run? I guess getting her face burned was karma if nothing else. I look forward to reading more of your stories throughout the semester.

  3. Such a unique spin on the Ramayana. I can honestly say it never would have occurred to me to make them all lawyers in a shared law firm. Brilliant move, which drew me into the story almost immediately. One thing I couldn't help but notice was that there was no Sita. Is there a reason for this? Were you just not able to fit her into the plot?

    Speaking of the plot, you mention your goal was to make this feel very realistic. I thought that you accoplished this very well, up until the moment where Ravana just goes ape-sh*t on Jatayu and things ramp up into a UFC cagematch. They're lawyers, right, so wouldn't having Ravana sue Rama make more sense? Rama could hire Jatayu as his defense lawyer, and we could get some court-side intrigue without things devolving into a blow-byblow deathmatch (which was still pretty cool).

  4. Will,

    My wow moment for your story about the Ramayana to be the entire plot. I really enjoyed your take about Rama and Ravana being lawyers instead of being in the ancient Indian world. Also, I liked the way that you kept parts of the Ramayana consistent with the original story. For example, Rama seeking for revenge for something that Ravana had done to someone close to him. Also, I liked your description of Jatayu’s face (specifically his crooked nose). I wonder if you could have implemented Sita some way into the story to create an even greater reason for Rama to go after Ravana. For example, Ravana could have hit or hurt Sita, causing Rama to really want revenge. Ravana seems like a very irrational person, therefore I felt he could have hurt Sita also. I am very curious to read another story regarding these Ramayana characters as lawyers. Overall, I really enjoyed this story and the many twists you created.

  5. Will,

    Once again you have presented us with an incredibly well written story! I am honestly in awe of your writing talent and your ability to accurately use vocabulary to enhance your stories. I thought that this was an incredibly imaginative story that linked the three original plots together very nicely!
    I would be careful to try and break up your story into paragraphs as I think it will read and look better to the audience!

    Overall I think you did an excellent job!
