Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Week 4 Reading Diary: Nine Ideal Indian Women

For this week's reading assignment I chose to read Nine Ideal Indian Women by Maharanee Sunity Devee. I read Sita's story and it seemed like it was exactly the same as the PDE Ramayana. The only difference in Devee's version was that the battles were rushed through and not explained very well at all.

Since I have chosen to make my storybook about Indra it was hard to find many interesting parts in this story because there was no reference to Indra in this portion.

I still cannot get over how bad Sita is treated in the end. She had to prove her honor was intact twice and the final time was just too much for her to bear. I was interested in the part where Sita was taken into the a cavern by Mother Earth, never to return. I think it could make a good story to have Sita be saved by Rama and then live together raising their sons.

I was also interested in the life that Sita lives when she is exiled. Maybe a story could be made to expand on what Sita, her sons and Valmiki did for the many years they were living in the forest. They could even have their own adventures.

Image Source: Sita and her sons saying farewell to Valmiki

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